A Talk With God

A Talk With God

The Thoughts WarriorPoetry

Today I stepped into the sun,
And gazed upon the sky.
I asked my God, one single word,
I asked my God, why?

I waited and I listened,
I wanted his reply.
I waited, staring at the sun,
While tears flooded my eyes.

My child, he said,
With all his somber grace.
My child the world turned ugly,
I took them to another place.

How my God, I did ask,
Can exist a better place?
For to me, no better does exist,
Where I can’t see their face.

Have faith, he said,
And look around.
I did as he asked,
And my eyes did fall upon the ground.

A tiny bud,
So small, so new.
Was determined to be born,
Reminding me of you.

For every spring the flowers bloom,
When the cold comes they do die.
While it does make us sad,
We must sometimes say goodbye.

Now, my child, you do know,
And you can understand.
I must take the most beautiful,
When the cold covers the land.

I keep them safe,
So do not mope.
For in every brand new life,
You will see, a tiny bud of hope.

I have faith, and I hope,
Until our lives do meet again.
This was not a final goodbye,
My beloved friends.

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