The Labryrith

The Thoughts WarriorGeneral Articles, Random Thoughts

This fall, I discovered a new place to walk and reflect.
 Petals in the Pines in Canterbury is a little gem. I was won over as soon as I parked in the parking lot, as there were little signs that read “Be careful of the garden when backing up”. Under this warning was another note that read, “Please check your car for our cat”. The cat likes to ride with visitors.
The farm stand and admission our on an honor system. You log your admission and any purchases, place your payment in a locked box and there is even a cash box for change. I signed in, borrowed a walking staff, and started off.
As I was walking, I marveled at the beautiful landscape and the care and time it took for the owners to create easy-to-follow trails throughout the property. There were two labyrinths. The first was the “Peace” labyrinth, in the shape of a giant peace sign.
The second (pictured) is called “Love and Grace”.

It was a tranquil winding hike up to the top of the hill. Per their website:

“These sacred spaces in the woods allow guests to achieve a transformative inward focus, to enter into a spiritual connection to pray or seek direction (listening for the “still, small voice” of God), or simply to slow down enough to notice the small miracles of nature all around them. “

The hike and the surroundings made me do just that. I became overwhelmed with the emotions I have been carrying for the past 18 months. For the first time in a while, I felt peace rush over me. I realized that life is not a series of random events. Everything we do has already been chosen for us by the universe if we stop and listen.
People come into our lives and leave their marks. Some leave marks that become scars.  If we open our hearts and listen, we learn from them and make ourselves stronger. Some leave us with pain. We love them so deeply, that we can not bear to let go. But no one ever leaves us alone, if  our hearts are open.
As I walked the Labyrinth, I thought about the many events in my life and the lives of those who came before me, that brought me to where I am today. I thought about where I was in life now and the endless possibilities that could be.
I am thankful for those who have been there for me, those who continue to be, and those who are to come.
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