Spring Equinox

The Thoughts WarriorGeneral Articles, Life's Lessons, Random Thoughts

I did it!

The first day of spring and today, after 5 months I packed my trusty bicycle into the car.  A quick stop at  Cumby’s to pump up my much-neglected tires, and went down to the Boscawen Town Park.  I enjoy this stretch of the Northern Railtrail.  It is a flat ride behind a farm where the fields are full of wheat in the summer months.  It curves along the Merrimack River in some spots and little ponds in others.  The pond was partially thawed today and several pairs of ducks were enjoying the beginning of Spring.

I wasn’t sure how this was going to go.  I hadn’t been on the bike since the accident.  (see Brainwaves).  I was afraid of being dizzy or a stabbing headache.  However, I said to myself “I’ve got this”.  Helmet on and bike tracker activated I embarked.  I took the ride at a leisurely pace, despite the worries of my eyes, brain, and balance all working together.  It was my butt that was feeling the brunt of my absence, as it became used to the seat once more.

This portion of the trail is only 1.95 miles each way.

A short section to start with, one well walked and populated with others out enjoying the day.  I made the 1st half in 17 minutes!  I turned around and started back.  About 1/2 way into the return trip, my helmet started to feel like lead on my head, I felt a bit tired.  I persevered and arrived back at my car in 35 minutes, 54 seconds.  I was dead tired and knew my head would hurt later, but I felt victorious as if I had just run a marathon!  (Highly unlikely for me! ).

The Neurologist said it could take up to a full year to recover.  I am making great progress so far.  Last Friday night, I returned to the karate mat as well.  Small steps lead to big leaps.  One thing for certain,



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