
The Thoughts WarriorGeneral Articles, Random Thoughts

“Our Friendship means the world to me, good times with good friends make the best memories. “Friend” isn’t a word meaningful enough to express all that we have between the history, the laughter, and the memories that we share.  Even “family” doesn’t describe it, unless family means a bond freely given, well-maintained, and deeply cherished.” This was one of the last cards I gave …

Birthday Memories

The Thoughts WarriorRandom Thoughts

There are few certainties in life. We are born, and we will die. What matters the most is the time we spend in between. That is the time that creates memories. Memories that will comfort us as we age, memories that will keep us alive after we are gone. Memories can bring us strength and also remind us of our pain. But most of …


The Thoughts WarriorGeneral Articles

I was driving And I saw a man. Not just any man, but a man who looked like my friend Carl.  He had the right shades, right hair, and the right Carhart jacket.  I wanted to pull my car over and run up and hug him.  Instead, I pulled over on the side of the road and cried.  I cried so hard, for I wished …

Get Over It

The Thoughts WarriorLife's Lessons

Today I laughed. I laughed because someone had said something funny.  The person I was talking to, said to me; “Wow, it’s good to see you laughing.  Glad you are over it”. I stopped laughing and looked at her.  In my head, I wanted to scream “WTF? That was a horrible thing to say.” What she was referring to as “it” was the death …