“Our Friendship means the world to me, good times with good friends make the best memories. “Friend” isn’t a word meaningful enough to express all that we have between the history, the laughter, and the memories that we share. Even “family” doesn’t describe it, unless family means a bond freely given, well-maintained, and deeply cherished.” This was one of the last cards I gave …
Get Over It
Today I laughed. I laughed because someone had said something funny. The person I was talking to, said to me; “Wow, it’s good to see you laughing. Glad you are over it”. I stopped laughing and looked at her. In my head, I wanted to scream “WTF? That was a horrible thing to say.” What she was referring to as “it” was the death …
“Are you ok”? I may tell you, yes, but inside I am screaming in agony. I am trying to get through a day without letting on to the world the pain I feel. Life, plans, daily routine, have come to a screeching halt. I may be going about the motions of work, conversation, daily needs but I am not ok. I am trying to …