As I start this post I don’t really have a title for it. But hey, random thoughts dont always need one. The other night before bed, after a crap day, I was reading thru Facebook posts of friends. One of my friends in Texas is a Marathon runner, who has run all over the world. She has also beaten breast cancer and since we …
“Our Friendship means the world to me, good times with good friends make the best memories. “Friend” isn’t a word meaningful enough to express all that we have between the history, the laughter, and the memories that we share. Even “family” doesn’t describe it, unless family means a bond freely given, well-maintained, and deeply cherished.” This was one of the last cards I gave …
Random Encounter
I was feeling a bit down and overtired. Unexpected circumstances caused us to get to bed at 12:30 am, and the 3:30 wake-up call came very early. We picked up David’s stepdad to drop him off at the hospital at 5a and headed to Orlando. We had enough time for a yummy breakfast at Denny’s and I made it through airport security just in …
The Labryrith
This fall, I discovered a new place to walk and reflect. Petals in the Pines in Canterbury is a little gem. I was won over as soon as I parked in the parking lot, as there were little signs that read “Be careful of the garden when backing up”. Under this warning was another note that read, “Please check your car for our cat”. …
The Battered Box
The battered box. The box says JC Higgins Ice Skates. I can only assume at one point these skates were a Christmas gift to my mom long ago. In my lifetime this old box, repaired numerous times with tape represents much more than winter days skating at the park. This old box is the home of “Nana’s Manger”. The handmade manger, made by my …
Birthday Memories
There are few certainties in life. We are born, and we will die. What matters the most is the time we spend in between. That is the time that creates memories. Memories that will comfort us as we age, memories that will keep us alive after we are gone. Memories can bring us strength and also remind us of our pain. But most of …
Happy Mother’s Day
The Tulip The Tulip symbolizes deep or perfect love. There is no love that rivals the love a mother has for her children. The petals of the tulip are delicate to the touch and fragile to the touch, much like a mother’s heart when they watch their child struggle and grow. A heart that can break at any moment, not from disappointment, but from …
Christmas Magic
O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth! Long lay the world in sin and error pining Till he appear’d and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn! I’m sure I heard this song hundreds of times before the time that …
A Small Dose Of Kindness
Every day people turn on their social media, and are flooded with human beings being nasty to one another. During lockdowns and mask mandates I found myself a target of nastiness daily. Politics are another big trigger. Why can’t human beings accept the fact that we are all different? Our upbringings, our beliefs, and our ability to think are what makes us human, it …
“In the bottom of an old pond lived some grubs who could not understand why none of their group ever came back after crawling up the lily stems to the top of the water. They promised each other that the next one who was called to make the upward climb would return and tell what had happened to him. Soon one of them felt …
The Phoenix
“And just as the phoenix rose from the ashes, she too will rise. Returning from the flames, clothed in nothing but her strength, more beautiful than ever before”. Shannen Heartzs It’s your birthday today. I won’t lie, the past few days have probably been the hardest. I can’t sleep, I can barely function. A friend of ours told me Monday, that she was worried about me because …
I was driving And I saw a man. Not just any man, but a man who looked like my friend Carl. He had the right shades, right hair, and the right Carhart jacket. I wanted to pull my car over and run up and hug him. Instead, I pulled over on the side of the road and cried. I cried so hard, for I wished …
Get Over It
Today I laughed. I laughed because someone had said something funny. The person I was talking to, said to me; “Wow, it’s good to see you laughing. Glad you are over it”. I stopped laughing and looked at her. In my head, I wanted to scream “WTF? That was a horrible thing to say.” What she was referring to as “it” was the death …
A Talk With God
Today I stepped into the sun, And gazed upon the sky. I asked my God, one single word, I asked my God, why? I waited and I listened, I wanted his reply. I waited, staring at the sun, While tears flooded my eyes. My child, he said, With all his somber grace. My child the world turned ugly, I took them to another place. …
Cheryl, I had the honor of photographing your sweet Mariana today. At first, I felt guilty and melancholic for I would get to do what was taken from you. For I would hold her in my arms and gaze upon her face. Pictures were wrapped up and we were getting ready to leave. Mariana, who had stayed awake throughout, was sleeping peacefully. My man …
6 Degrees Of Separation
6 Degrees of Separation is the idea that any one person on the planet is connected to another by 6 or fewer social connections. A couple of days ago, we met with a childhood friend of David’s and we were asked how we first met. Telling people we met at a funeral is technically the right answer, it isn’t the right one. How we …
“Are you ok”? I may tell you, yes, but inside I am screaming in agony. I am trying to get through a day without letting on to the world the pain I feel. Life, plans, daily routine, have come to a screeching halt. I may be going about the motions of work, conversation, daily needs but I am not ok. I am trying to …
No Words
Several months ago I started a blog post entitled “When Your Bestie Says It’s Going to Hurt!” The story behind it was a phone call I received one afternoon at work from my best friend. It went like this: “instead of a walk at lunch, how about you get out early, I made us an appointment”. I replied, sure. That was my first mistake. …
My chiropractor is starting a brain injury clinic and asked me to share my story with others. She sent me the following questions: How would you describe yourself? Are you a ____? (ex: mom, retire, businesswoman, etc) How do you refer to yourself having a previous concussion? “Marilee Curran is a writer with a fighting spirit. One who tries to balance her life through …
Judge Not For Yee Shall Be Judged
The only guarantee in life is that eventually, you will die. Recently I was told that someone I love very much was upset that I have not gotten the vaccine. My heart was broken to confirm that people who have known me my whole life, are afraid to be near me. It’s deeper than that, for my children are staying away as well. I …
Veterans Day
The 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month I could think of no better place to honor our Veterans and the memory of my grandfather who passed away 48 years ago today. He was an Army Veteran of WWII. This morning I re-read the letters my great aunt had preserved and my cousin passed on to me, that he wrote while …